posted on 2018-09-13, 04:13authored byZachary L. Benet, Matangi Marthi, Fang Ke, Rita Wu, Jackson S. Turner, Jahan B. Gabayre, Michael I. Ivanitskiy, Sahil S. Sethi, Irina L. Grigorova
Previous studies and our findings suggest upregulated expression of proinflammatory chemokines CCL3/4 in germinal center (GC) centrocytes. However, the role of CCL3/4 for centrocyte interactions with follicular T cells and regulation of humoral immunity is poorly understood. We found that CCL3 promotes chemotaxis of Tfr cells ex vivo. Two-photon imaging revealed that B cells-intrinsic production of CCL3 promotes their probing by follicular regulatory T cells (Tfr) within GCs of murine lymph nodes. Overall this study suggests that CCL3 facilitates direct interactions of foreign antigen-specific GC B cells and their negative regulation with Tfr cells in vivo.