Video5_A Novel Cell Vertex Model Formulation that Distinguishes the Strength of Contraction Forces and Adhesion at Cell Boundaries.MP4
The vertex model is a useful mathematical model to describe the dynamics of epithelial cell sheets. However, existing vertex models do not distinguish contraction forces on the cell boundary from adhesion between cells, employing a single parameter to express both. In this paper, we introduce the rest length of the cell boundary and its dynamics into the existing vertex model, giving a novel formulation of the model that treats separately the contraction force and the strength of adhesion between cells. We apply this vertex model to the phenomenon of compartment boundary in the fruit fly pupa, recapturing the observation that increasing the strength of adhesion between cells straightens the compartment boundary, even though contraction forces at cell boundaries remain unchanged. We also discuss possibilities of the novel vertex models by considering the stretching of a cell sheet by external forces.
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- Biophysics
- Classical Physics not elsewhere classified
- Condensed Matter Physics not elsewhere classified
- Quantum Physics not elsewhere classified
- Solar System, Solar Physics, Planets and Exoplanets
- Mathematical Physics not elsewhere classified
- Classical and Physical Optics
- Astrophysics
- Photonics, Optoelectronics and Optical Communications
- Physical Chemistry of Materials
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- Tropospheric and Stratospheric Physics
- Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
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- Condensed Matter Physics
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- High Energy Astrophysics; Cosmic Rays
- Mesospheric, Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics
- Space and Solar Physics