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Table_1_Modeling Basins of Attraction for Breast Cancer Using Hopfield Networks.XLS

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posted on 2020-04-07, 04:56 authored by Alessandra Jordano Conforte, Leon Alves, Flávio Codeço Coelho, Nicolas Carels, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva

Cancer is a genetic disease for which traditional treatments cause harmful side effects. After two decades of genomics technological breakthroughs, personalized medicine is being used to improve treatment outcomes and mitigate side effects. In mathematical modeling, it has been proposed that cancer matches an attractor in Waddington's epigenetic landscape. The use of Hopfield networks is an attractive modeling approach because it requires neither previous biological knowledge about protein-protein interactions nor kinetic parameters. In this report, Hopfield network modeling was used to analyze bulk RNA-Seq data of paired breast tumor and control samples from 70 patients. We characterized the control and tumor attractors with respect to their size and potential energy and correlated the Euclidean distances between the tumor samples and the control attractor with their corresponding clinical data. In addition, we developed a protocol that outlines the key genes involved in tumor state stability. We found that the tumor basin of attraction is larger than that of the control and that tumor samples are associated with a more substantial negative energy than control samples, which is in agreement with previous reports. Moreover, we found a negative correlation between the Euclidean distances from tumor samples to the control attractor and patient overall survival. The ascending order of each node's density in the weight matrix and the descending order of the number of patients that have the target active only in the tumor sample were the parameters that withdrew more tumor samples from the tumor basin of attraction with fewer gene inhibitions. The combinations of therapeutic targets were specific to each patient. We performed an initial validation through simulation of trastuzumab treatment effects in HER2+ breast cancer samples. For that, we built an energy landscape composed of single-cell and bulk RNA-Seq data from trastuzumab-treated and non-treated HER2+ samples. The trajectory from the non-treated bulk sample toward the treated bulk sample was inferred through the perturbation of differentially expressed genes between these samples. Among them, we characterized key genes involved in the trastuzumab response according to the literature.
